Non-U.S. Jump Plane Accidents

Listed here are jump plane accidents outside of the USA. I may or may not be able to provide a link to the accident investigation as each country does things differently than the USA NTSB. If you know of an accident, please contact me so I can investigate it a little and provide a link to a report if possible. 

  • 2015 (1 accident, 0 fatalities)
  • 2014 (6 accidents, 24 fatalities)
  • 2013 (1 accident, 11 fatalities)
  • 2012 (2 accidents, 5 fatalities)
  • 2010 (1 accident, 1 fatality)
  • 2008 (2 accidents, 0 fatalities)
  • 2007 (1 accident, 2 fatalities)
  • 2006 (1 accident, 5 fatalities)
  • 2005 (3 accidents, 9 fatalities)
  • 2004 (2 accidents, 8 fatalities)
  • 2001 (2 accidents, 8 fatalities)
  • 1999 (1 accident, 0 fatalities)

One reply on “Non-U.S. Jump Plane Accidents”

Here in Switzerland we recently had a fatal jump-plane crash. The pilot [an experienced pilot and skydiver] lost the tail of the plane (Pak 75) after a jumper in the door had a premature opening (4000 meter) in the door and he got swept out and hit the plane’s back rudder, which broke off! The pilot wasn’t wearing any gear. So tragic! All 13 jumpers onboard landed.

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